Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I signed up for PPP!

I was finally approved for PayPerPost word of mouth ethics

Payperpost is a great way to do what I already enjoy doing, which is blog and the best part is I also get paid for it! I can't wait to start making money through this great website. Maybe it will help pay for my upcoming nuptials or honeymoon?

I kept applying to PPP but kept getting denied because my blog was too new. Thankfully, I finally acquired enough posts to qualify and here I am. As I continue on this new-found journey, I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on how the website is working for me. How bad can blogging for my favourite topics and products be? Especially if I'm making extra funds to do it?

So you're now wondering, "how did you hear about this fantastic website?". To be honest, I first came upon the website when I was looking for freelance writing jobs. I had never thought of blogging for money before and didn’t realize it even existed. When I read all about how the PPP program works, I couldn’t wait to get started! While I’m just a beginner, I would suggest this to anyone who has their own blog. Where can you go wrong?

Keep your fingers crossed for me. Maybe this will be a great ‘side gig’ for me and help with my expenses too. I wouldn’t mind going for that extra massage or that dinner on the beach on my honeymoon;)

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