Thursday, February 14, 2008

'V' day finally Vindicated

It's Valentines Day today. The 14th of February and the one day of the year I'll witness men in suits carrying big bouquets of flowers in a snow storm, or watch as my coworkers receive embarrassingly large deliveries of flowers, and also see men and women frantically shop for that 'special gift' at the last minute.

Since grade 10, I always managed to have a Valentine. Someone who would shower me with gifts, hold my hand, and show to the outside world that I was actually part of the 'Valentines in crowd'. In High School this was much more relevant believe me.

Well, I have always held a secret hatred towards the day of love. I think it's mainly from the fact that I wasn't always in truly fantastic relationships and I saw the day as a time to rekindle something that wasn't even there in the first place. A lot of forced actions and emotions in one day can really drain a person! Until I met my fiance.

Birthdays have always been big with me. The day comes once a year and it's special to the person having it. It isn' t as commercialized as other big days and there is no pressure from outside media to do something. This makes me want to do something. I am sometimes more excited about someone 's birthday than the person celebrating the day. So when I found out my fiance's birthday is actually on Valentines Day I was ecstatic! This means I get to do something nice because I WANT to not because I have to. So for the past two years I have been doing just that. Every February 14, I get to make my love feel special.

And for the rest of the time, he makes me feel special. Not because he has to. But because he wants to.

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